





Steel based structures are one of the main types of building structures. The characteristics of steel are high strength, light weight, good overall rigidity, and strong deformation ability, making it particularly suitable for constructing large-span, ultra-high, and ultra-heavy buildings; The material has good homogeneity and isotropy, belongs to the ideal elastic body, and most conforms to the basic assumptions of general engineering mechanics; The material has good plasticity and toughness, can undergo significant deformation, and can withstand dynamic loads well; Short construction period; It has a high degree of industrialization and can carry out specialized production with a high degree of mechanization. In the future, high-strength steel should be studied in steel structures to greatly improve their yield point strength; In addition, new types of steel profiles, such as H-beams (also known as wide flange steel), T-beams, and profiled steel plates, need to be rolled to meet the needs of large-span structures and super high-rise buildings.
In addition, there is a light steel structure system without a thermal bridge, and the building itself is not energy-saving. This technology solves the problem of cold and hot bridges in buildings with clever special connectors; The small truss structure allows cables and water supply and drainage pipes to pass through the wall, making construction and decoration convenient; Extremely energy-efficient is the only building system in the world that uses cold-formed thin-walled steel to build a 7-story residential building.


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